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Contents :: Dumpster Dive Setup Guide 🔗

Server Installation Instructions 🔗

  1. Install the mod from the Steam workshop as you normally would. Game Server Providers usually provide a UI for installing mods from the workshop. Use SteamCMD if you don't have a GSP.
  2. Configure your server's command line to load the mod using the "-mod" option. Dumpster Dive must be loaded on both client and server in order to work correctly!
  3. Start the server and wait for a settings.json file to be written in the profile directory at $profile:dumpsterdive/settings.json.
  4. Edit the $profile:dumpsterdive/settings.json file as you see fit!
  5. Restart the server to apply your updated settings.

Note: Please use the #dumpster-dive channel on my Discord to report bugs, request features, and ask questions. I do not respond to direct messages.


Dumpster Dive can be customized by editing the JSON file, called "settings.json", in a directory called "dumpsterdive" under your server's profile directory. For example: "profile\dumpsterdive\settings.json"

You can edit the settings file while the server is running, but you must restart the server for any changes to take effect.

Notifications 🔗

Set to 0 or false (the default) to disable notifications. Set to 1 or true to give players textual feedback (shown in the chat/server messages area of the HUD) when they find or don't find items. Set to 2 to give players textual feedback using DayZ's built-in notification system (usually, text boxes appearing at the top of the screen). For example:

  "notifications": true

Rummage Chance 🔗

Set to a number between 0 and 1 (default: 0.625) to control the probability that players find loot when rummaging trash.

  "rummageChance": 0.75

Cut Chance 🔗

Set to a number between 0 and 1 (default: 0.25) to control the probability that players get cuts when rummaging without gloves.

  "cutChance": 0.5

Vomit Chance 🔗

Set to a number between 0 and 1 (default: 0.25) to control the probability that players vomit when rummaging without masks.

  "vomitChance": 0.5

Agent Chance 🔗

Set to a number between 0 and 1 (default: 0) to control the probability that items found in trash carry diseases.

  "agentChance": 0.5

Food Stage Chance 🔗

Set to a number between 0 and 1 (default: 0.875) to control the probability that food items come in a food stage other than raw.

  "foodStageChance": 0.9

Rummage Duration 🔗

Set to the number of seconds (default: 10) it should take players to complete the "Rummage" action.

  "rummageDuration": 3

Replenish Minutes 🔗

When set to 0 (the default), trash piles and bins are only replenished on server restart. When greater than 0, determines the minimum number of minutes to wait before making rummaged trash able to be rummaged again.

  "replenishMinutes": 120

Health Range 🔗

Set "minHealth" and "maxHealth" to numbers between 0 and 1 to control the range of health levels (default: 0 to 0.59375) items may spawn with when found in trash, where 0 is ruined and 1 is pristine. Each item found in trash will be assigned a random health level somewhere in this range.

  "minHealth": 0.1,
  "maxHealth": 0.6

Use CE Quantity 🔗

When set to 1 or true (the default), items that have quantities (e.g. food, ammunition, etc.) will have their quantities assigned based on the minimum and maximum values configured in the types.xml file. When set to 0 or false, or when items do not have quantity ranges set in types.xml, items will have their quantities assigned based on the "minQuantity" and "maxQuantity" settings.

  "useCEQuantity": false

Quantity Range 🔗

Set "minQuantity" and "maxQuantity" to numbers between 0 and 1 to control the range of quantities (default: 0.125 to 0.5) items will be assigned when found in trash, where 0 is the minimum non-empty quantity and 1 is a full stack. Items will be assigned random quantities in this range.

  "minQuantity": 0,
  "maxQuantity": 0.4

Note: If "useCEQuantity" is 1 or true, the "minQuantity" and "maxQuantity" settings only apply to items that do not have valid quantity ranges defined in types.xml.

Wetness Range 🔗

Set "minWetness" and "maxWetness" to numbers between 0 and 1 to control the range of wetness (default: 0.25 to 1.0) items will be assigned when found in trash, where 0 is completely dry and 1 is the maximum wetness the item allows. Items will be assigned random wetness values in this range.

  "minWetness": 0.5,
  "maxWetness": 0.75

Glove Damage 🔗

Set to the number of health points (default: 3) to subtract from the player's gloves each time they rummage trash. May be set to 0 to disable glove damage.

  "gloveDamage": 10

Mask Damage 🔗

Set to the number of health points to subtract from the player's mask each time they rummage trash. May be set to 0 (the default) to disable mask damage.

  "maskDamage": 10

Vomit Duration 🔗

Use this setting to control the duration (default: 5) of the vomit animation when players vomit after rummaging without wearing a mask.

  "vomitDuration": 2

Vomit Water Loss 🔗

Use this setting to determine how much should be subtracted (default: 100) from a player's hydration level upon vomiting.

  "vomitWaterLoss": 200

Vomit Energy Loss 🔗

Use this setting to determine how much should be subtracted (default: 100) from a player's energy level upon vomiting.

  "vomitEnergyLoss": 50

Agents 🔗

The settings in this section determine the relative probabilities of different diseases being carried by items found in trash. If "agentChance" is 0, this section is ignored. If all of the settings in this section are set to 0, no agents will be carried by items, regardless of "agentChance".

Each setting in this section ("choleraChance", "foodPoisonChance", "influenzaChance", and "salmonellaChance") can be set to a number between 0 and 1.

  "agents": {
    "choleraChance": 0.1,
    "foodPoisonChance": 0.4,
    "influenzaChance": 0.2,
    "salmonellaChance": 0.3

Food Stages 🔗

The settings in this section determine the relative probabilities of different food stages being applied to food items found in trash. If "foodStageChance" is 0, this section is ignored. If all of the settings in this section are set to 0, food will be raw, regardless of "foodStageChance".

Each setting in this section ("bakedChance", "boiledChance", "driedChance", "burnedChance", and "rottenChance") can be set to a number between 0 and 1.

  "foodStages": {
    "bakedChance": 0.05,
    "boiledChance": 0.05,
    "driedChance": 0.1,
    "burnedChance": 0.3,
    "rottenChance": 0.5

Types 🔗

This setting contains the list of item types that can be found in trash. Item types are chosen randomly from this list.

  "types": [

Trash 🔗

This advanced setting enables some parameters to be customized on a per-trash bin/pile basis. Each object in the array must specify a list of trash bin/pile type names or model names to match against and a list of item types to be found in the trash bin/pile. All other settings (shown below) are optional, but their values default to zeroes. For example:

  "trash": [
      "names": [
      "types": [
      "rummageChance": 0.1,
      "cutChance": 0.1,
      "vomitChance": 0.1,
      "agentChance": 0.5,
      "agents": {
        "choleraChance": 0,
        "foodPoisonChance": 0,
        "influenzaChance": 1,
        "salmonellaChance": 0
      "models": [
      "types": [
      "rummageChance": 0.1,
      "cutChance": 0.3,
      "vomitChance": 0.9,
      "agentChance": 1,
      "agents": {
        "choleraChance": 0,
        "foodPoisonChance": 0,
        "influenzaChance": 0,
        "salmonellaChance": 1

Note: The above example references a type (bldr_Garbage_Container_Paper) from the BuilderItems mod.

Ineffective Masks 🔗

This setting contains the list of mask types that do not prevent vomiting. If empty, all masks protect the player from vomiting. Use this setting to prevent items that attach to the mask inventory slot but that shouldn't protect the player (for example, masks that don't cover both the mouth and nose) from protecting the player.

  "ineffectiveMasks": [

Ineffective Gloves 🔗

This setting contains the list of glove types that do not prevent cuts. If empty, all gloves protect the player from cuts. Use this setting to prevent items that attach to the gloves inventory slot but that shouldn't protect the player (for example, fingerless gloves) from protecting the player.

  "ineffectiveGloves": [

Trash Settings🔗

By default, Dumpster Dive recognizes 17 vanilla objects and 17 BuilderItems objects as trash piles/bins that can be rummaged. These 34 objects are configured via a "trash.json" file, located inside the "dumpsterdive" directory under your server's profile directory. For example: "profile\dumpsterdive\trash.json"

If a "trash.json" file does not exist when the server starts, one will be created with the default configuration. This file may be edited while the server is running, but the server must be restarted for any changes to take effect.

Types 🔗

The "types" setting defines the list of class names for objects that may be rummaged for loot.

  "types": [

Match Models 🔗

By default, Dumpster Dive determines whether objects can be rummaged only by looking at their class names and their model names. To force Dumpster Dive to only match objects by their type names, set "matchModels" to false (or 0).

  "matchModels": false

Note: As of DayZ 1.18, vanilla static map objects require this setting to be true in order to be detected properly.

Models 🔗

When "matchModels" is enabled, the "models" setting defines the list of model names for objects that may be rummaged for loot. Model names listed in this setting should comprise only of their basenames and without their ".p3d" extensions.

  "models": [

Note: This setting has no effect if "matchModels" is disabled.