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Contents :: VACBanReporter Setup Guide 🔗

Settings 🔗

Create a vacbanreporter.json file in your DayZ server's profile directory. An example file can be downloaded from here.

Max Ban Age Days 🔗

The "maxBanAgeDays" property determines the maximum VAC ban age, in days, that will be reported. VAC bans that are older than this value will be ignored. Example:

  "maxBanAgeDays": 99999

The default is 2561 days, or roughly 7 years.

Cache TTL 🔗

The "cacheTTL" property determines the number of seconds that VAC check results will be kept in memory, thereby reducing the number of API requests that are necessary for checking player statuses.

  "cacheTTL": 7200

The default is 3600 seconds.

Ban file 🔗

The "banFile" property can contain a filename where ban lines should be written. The file will be appended to every time a VAC ban is detected. Omit or leave blank to disable writing bans to a file.

Note that DayZ forbids mods from writing to the ban.txt file directly. To work around this, create a hardlink in a writable directory. For example, if using CMD.EXE:

mklink /H <profile-dir>\ban.txt ban.txt

Or, if using PowerShell:

New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path <profile-dir>\ban.txt -Target ban.txt

You can then point your banFile at the hardlink:

  "banFile": "$profile:ban.txt"

Enable Notification 🔗

When the "enableNotification" property is set to true, all connected players will receive an in-game notification when a VAC banned player is detected. Example:

  "enableNotification": true

Enable Debug 🔗

When the "enableDebug" property is set to true, a dummy VAC ban will be reported on every player connect. This is really only useful for testing webhooks. Example:

  "enableDebug": true

Note: You do not want to enable this setting under normal circumstances!

Webhooks 🔗

The "webhooks" property can contain a list of zero or more webhook configurations for sending remote notifications whenever VAC bans are detected. Basic example:

  "webhooks": [
      "name": "My Discord Server",
      "type": "discord",
      "url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/0123456789012345678/6e623d2f33b228a5fd609cb08863ecb537caff85241fc80a9069be9182aa4b10",
      "messagePrefix": "@here"

Multiple webhooks may be configured if you want VAC ban notifications to be sent to more than one destination. For example:

  "webhooks": [
      "name": "My Discord Server",
      "type": "discord",
      "url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/0123456789012345678/6e623d2f33b228a5fd609cb08863ecb537caff85241fc80a9069be9182aa4b10",
      "messagePrefix": "@here"
      "name": "Bob's Discord Server",
      "type": "discord",
      "url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/8765432109876543210/6bdcd7cca5e8cfb6b4273d6ec3efad1ceaa9e973f3d595cd9803a2b10bd2bd4e",
      "messagePrefix": "@admins"
      "name": "My Custom HTTP Server",
      "type": "custom",
      "url": "http://localhost:8080/vac"

Webhook Name 🔗

Use the "name" property to uniquely identify this webhook in logs, which can be helpful for pinpointing errors.

Webhook Type 🔗

Use the "type" property to identify what type of webhook this is. Currently only "custom" and "discord" are supported. This property is required.

The "discord" type should be used to send VAC ban notifications to a Discord channel.

The "custom" type may be used to send VAC ban notifications to a custom web server. Notifications will be sent as POST requests with the following JSON-encoded structure in the request body:

  "version": 1,
  "name": "Player Name",
  "plainId": "STEAMID",
  "age": 1234,
  "banLine": "STEAMID    // Player Name - VAC banned, age: 1234 days (YYYY-MM-DD)"

Webhook URL 🔗

The "url" property should contain the URL of the webhook endpoint that should receive VAC ban notifications. This property is required.

Discord Message Prefix 🔗

The "messagePrefix" property can be used to define text that is to be prepended to all VAC ban notifications sent to a Discord webhook. This can be used to tag specific users or roles. This property is ignored by other webhook types.