Subscribe This is a deathmatch mod that tries to preserve the "vanilla" DayZ experience as much as possible. It should be loaded as a server-only mod. Be sure to read the Setup Guide carefully for installation and configuration instructions.
Subscribe Dumpster Dive lets players rummage through trash to find loot. It is fully customizable, with many settings to make it work the way you want. Please read the Setup Guide carefully for installation and configuration instructions.
Subscribe VACBanReporter detects when players with VAC bans join a DayZ server and reports them through various means. VAC bans can be written to a ban.txt file, reported to a Discord channel, sent to a custom web server, and/or sent as a notification to all connected players. It is intended to be used as a server-side mod. Please read the Setup Guide carefully for configuration instructions.
Subscribe Car Ma causes a random unsecured vehicle part to detach when the vehicle hits something. Lock your car parts in place with a wrench, screwdriver, or lug wrench to prevent accidental loss!
Subscribe BackpackHotbarInhibitor prevents items inside backpacks from being added to the hotbar when the backpack is put on the player's back.
Subscribe When a player is wearing improvised feet wrappings and the wrappings get wet, the soggy wrappings fall off their feet. Good times were had by all!